SOP 08 VVP 11

Verified Carbon Standard

The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is a widely recognized greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program.

Program Overview:

The VCS Program is administered by Verra, a Washington-based non-profit organization. It drives finance toward activities that reduce and remove emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect nature. VCS projects have collectively reduced or removed more than one billion tons of carbon and other GHG emissions from the atmosphere.

Purpose and Function:

The voluntary carbon market enables individuals, companies, or organizations to offset emissions that cannot be completely reduced in the short term. By purchasing credits on the voluntary carbon market, entities support projects that not only avoid pollution or remove emissions but also provide sustainable development benefits such as access to health services and education in project communities. The VCS Program is distinct from compliance markets, which are largely driven by government policies or legally binding agreements.

Quality Assurance and Transparency:

Verra’s diligence and transparency underpin the positive outcomes of carbon projects certified by the VCS Program. Buyers of credits issued by Verra’s VCS Program feel confident that their purchase had the intended effect. Carbon credit sellers also prefer markets with quality control guarantees, which attract a solid pool of buyers. The VCS Program’s rigorous rules, adaptiveness to new developments, and transparent project information contribute to its status as the largest GHG crediting program in the world.