
1.These schemes has been developed by Accent-TS (Certification body), for the purpose of harmonizing the practice of Management Systems (MS) consultants, Managers, Trainers and Lead Auditors.

2.The principal objective of this Accent-TS certification schemes is to provide a uniform approach to the certification of MS consultants, Managers, Trainers and Lead Auditors as the basis for a multilateral recognition framework.

3. The process used in developing the certification schemes was to establish firstly the key competence for MS consultants, Managers, Trainers and Lead Auditors and then determine the methods by which this competence can be demonstrated and evaluated.

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Certified Lead Auditor

This scheme is a scheme for conducting tests for various management systems Standards, and according to the design of the scheme, some supporting specifications have been used as principles that any Lead Auditor must have knowledge of. As it is specific to the management systems like (9001,22000,14001,45001,50001,13485, 27001,20000 ,21001 etc.)

Certified Manager

This scheme refers to a certified quality manager in one of the different management systems. As it is specific to the management systems like (9001,22000,14001,45001,50001,13485, 27001,20000 ,21001 etc.)

Certified Trainer

This scheme is a scheme for conducting tests for various management systems Standards, and according to the design of the scheme, some supporting specifications have been used as principles that any Trainer must have knowledge of. As it is specific to the management systems like (9001,22000,14001,45001,50001,13485, 27001,20000 ,21001 etc.)

Certified Consultant

This scheme is a scheme for conducting tests for various management systems consultants, and according to the design of the scheme, some supporting specifications have been used as principles that any consultant must have knowledge of. As it is specific to the management systems like (9001,22000,14001,45001,50001,13485, 27001,20000 ,21001 etc.)