SOP 08 VVP 02

Economy of Love

The Economy of Love (EoL) is a certification standard that promotes sustainable, ethical, and transparent practices throughout the supply chain. Inspired by the SEKEM initiative, EoL defines holistic sustainability across four dimensions: society, economy, culture, and environment.

The Economy of Love website provides detailed information about their methodologies. They use the Cool Farm Tool (CFT) to calculate the total farm footprint, including all sources of internal CO2 emissions. 

The EoL Standard uses verified assessment tools to collect data on the number of carbon emissions, sequestration, or avoidance. The Economy of Love website also provides information about their history, mission, vision, team governance, and community. 

The Economy of Love has an educational program called EoL EDU that accompanies the EoL Certification Standard for sustainable and ethical producers (farmers) and processors. 

The SEKEM website provides information about the launching of the Economy of Love Education. 

The UNFCCC Climate Champions website provides an article about the Economy of Love, rethinking agriculture for the future.