Social (S)

Accent Ltd.

Social Assessment Criteria (S)

  • Social Responsibility based on ISO 26000
  • Occupational Health and Safety based on ISO 45001
Social Responsibility based on ISO 26000
The assessment shall focus on:
      1. Organizational Governance: This involves the system by which an organization makes and implements decisions in pursuit of its objectives. Good governance practices are transparent, accountable, and ensure that all stakeholders are treated fairly. They also promote ethical behaviour throughout the organization.
      2. Human Rights: This means respecting and promoting internationally recognized human rights. The organization should avoid causing or contributing to human rights abuses and should address any impacts on human rights that they are involved in.
      3. Labor Practices: This involves treating all personnel fairly and respectfully. Fair labour practices include providing fair wages, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, and respecting workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
      4. The Environment: This involves taking steps to minimize the organization’s environmental impact. This could include reducing waste, minimizing emissions, conserving resources, and implementing sustainable practices.
      5. Fair Operating Practices: This involves conducting business in a fair and ethical manner. This could include avoiding corruption, respecting competition laws, and responsibly managing relationships with stakeholders.
      6. Consumer Issues: This involves addressing issues that are important to consumers. This could include ensuring product safety and quality, providing accurate and clear information, and handling customer complaints in a fair and timely manner.
      7. Community Involvement and Development: This involves actively contributing to the development of the communities in which the organization operates. This could include supporting local economic development, investing in education, and engaging in philanthropic activities.
      8. Stakeholder Engagement: This involves engaging with stakeholders in a meaningful way. This could include seeking their input on decisions that affect them, addressing their concerns, and reporting on the organization’s performance.
      9. Transparency: This involves being open and transparent about the organization’s activities and decisions. This could include publishing annual reports, disclosing financial information, and being open about the organization’s impact on society and the environment.
      10. Ethical Behaviour: This involves acting with integrity in all business dealings. This could include avoiding conflicts of interest, preventing bribery and corruption, and ensuring that the organization’s actions are in line with its stated values and principles.
      11. Respect for International Norms of Behaviour: This involves respecting international norms of behaviour, even when these norms differ from those of the local environment. This could include respecting international human rights standards, environmental standards, and labour standards.
Occupational Health and Safety based on ISO 45001
The assessment shall focus on:
      1. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: The organization identifies potential hazards in the workplace and assesses the risks associated with them. This could include physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazards, and ergonomic hazards. The goal is to prevent accidents and ensure the safety and health of personnel.
      2. Personnel Consultation and Participation: The organization ensures that personnel are consulted and participate in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the OH&S management system. This could include safety meetings, suggestion programs, and safety committees.
      3. Emergency Planning: The organization has plans in place to respond to emergencies that could impact the health and safety of personnel. This could include fire evacuation plans, first aid procedures, and disaster recovery plans.
      4. Incident Investigation: When an incident occurs, the organization investigates to determine the cause and prevent similar incidents in the future. This could involve analysing accident reports, conducting root cause analysis, and implementing corrective actions.
      5. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: The organization ensures it complies with all legal and regulatory requirements related to OH&S. This could include occupational safety and health regulations, workers’ compensation laws, and industry-specific safety standards.
      6. Procurement: The organization considers its OH&S policy when procuring goods and services. This could involve selecting suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to safety, specifying safety requirements in procurement contracts, and evaluating the safety performance of suppliers.
      7. Contractor Management: The organization manages contractors and other third parties to ensure they comply with its OH&S policy. This could involve providing safety training to contractors, monitoring contractor safety performance, and holding contractors accountable for safety violations.
      8. Continual Improvement: The organization aims for continual improvement in OH&S. This involves regularly reviewing and updating the OH&S management system, setting and achieving safety objectives, and promoting a culture of safety.
      9. Performance Evaluation: The organization evaluates its OH&S performance. This could involve monitoring safety metrics, measuring safety performance against objectives, analysing safety trends, and conducting safety audits.