GHG Validation & Verification

GHG Validation & Verification

ISO/IEC 17029 ensures that validation and verification bodies operate competently, consistently, and impartially when assessing claims. Whether it’s confirming future plausibility or verifying past results, adherence to these principles is essential for reliable assessments.
ATS Ltd. Verification & Validation scope shall include Validation of GHG reduction or removal projects, Verification of GHG reduction or removal projects and Verification of GHG inventories.
The Verification & Validation programmes are based on Organization–Level Sector and Project–Level Sector within the scope of Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), Economy of Love, Gold Standard, VERRA – Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Global Carbon Council (GCC), quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (organization level and project level), Water footprint, Life cycle assessment, Carbon footprint of products and assurance of environmental reports.